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Tea Drinking: 101 Why should we drink herbal tea daily?

Before we get into “tea drinking” let us first define what “tea” really is. Tea, true tea, is the leaves from the plant known as Camellia sinensis. The teas that are harvested from this plant are:

· Black Tea – Full of antioxidants, immune and nervous system stimulants, and a perfect alternative to coffee and energy drinks; commonly known as “Sweet Tea” when sweetening with sugar or honey.

· Green tea – has higher therapeutic properties than black tea, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and show anti-inflammatory properties

· Oolong Tea - a traditional Chinese tea that has therapeutic properties that support relaxation and cognitive performance.

· White tea- has a short harvest season, high in antioxidants, and is minimally processed

· Pu-erh tea- improves cardiovascular and cholesterol health, circulation support, and may aid in weight loss

Tisane, also known as herbal teas, are medicinal plants, caffeine-free, and full of therapeutic properties. For the sake of this post, we will refer to herbal tea blends as teas.

Why should we drink tea?

Drinking tea is truly the perfect pause in the day. Whether it be morning, noon, or nighttime. Any time is a perfect time to drink tea. Tea can be consumed hot, warm, or cold. Some teas can be served warm and on ice, like southern sweet tea. Either way, this practice is the perfect internal hug that our organs need, especially during the winter months.

There are endless reasons as to why we should indulge in a cup of tea more than once a day but here are my top three reasons why we should drink tea daily:

1. Herbal tea can provide the body with nutrition that is lacking in our daily diets.

Food is supposed to be medicine to the body. If our daily diets are not full of nutritious quality, then we are not getting the daily recommended value of minerals and vitamins. A cup of tea can provide the body with a healthy amount of minerals and vitamins that, over time, will supply the body with much-needed nutrients—restoring balance.

2. The medicinal properties of herbal teas are abundant.

One plant can have many therapeutic properties, which can produce a total body healing experience. For example, burdock root is a well-known blood cleanser, but this is not the only medicinal action it provides. Burdock root restores liver and gallbladder functions, stimulates the digestive and immune systems, and acts as an antioxidant. And still, these are not the only properties of this plant. These are a couple of the known properties that make burdock root well known and respected. Drinking a cup of burdock root may need some getting used to, especially if you’ve never drunk a decoction of this root before. After drinking it consistently, the taste will become natural and the benefits will be seen. The mission is to restore balance.

3. Preparing tea helps to ground us in the present moment.

I truly believe that we should all stop and smell the roses. It helps ground us in the present moment. This also applies to tea making. The process of tea making should be a mindful one. Be intentional with every step. From gathering the water to blending the herbs or choosing a blend, to scooping the herbs into a strainer or placing them in the kettle to simmer. All these acts are to be done with intention. When they are not done with intention, you are merely moving through life, chasing the next 5 minutes, unable to hear what is being communicated in and through the body. These herbs communicate with us in subtle ways. We just have to be willing to listen; to be present and intentional with restoring inner balance by way of a warm plant infusion.

Creating a ritual with tea drinking helps to bring you a more mindful present. Conditioning yourself to this practice takes time, consistency, and dedication. You have to truly believe that what you are doing is helping you. It’s a vital practice that you should include in your daily life. Just like you need that cup of coffee, you need that cup of tea. Just one cup, 8 oz. of a warm infusion can shift things in your mind, body, and soul. Capitalize on the present moment. For we all know that the present is all we truly have.

Are you a tea drinker? If not, what’s stopping you from indulging in this practice?

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